
不同框架下消费者定制服务决策机制研究 被引量:2

Consumers' Decision-making Mechanism of Service Customization on “Framing Effect”
摘要 为了检验"框架效应"在定制服务中的有效性,采用实验情境的方式,研究增加和删减两种框架下消费者选择电信业务的决策过程,重点分析两种框架模式下消费者定制服务决策的差异;在此基础上,比较分析了两种框架模式下消费者定制业务的业务属性差异以及消费者决策过程的决策难度、决策愉悦度、决策预期后悔度与决策满意度的差异。实验结果证明,受损失厌恶、业务属性等因素的影响,不同框架模式下消费者业务定制有明显的偏好差异和决策机理的差异。同时以电信业务定制过程采集的数据进行实证分析,证实了删减选项框架下,电信业务定制过程对企业和消费者双赢的结果,从而有助于删减选项框架定制服务模式更好地应用于企业实践中。 In order to test the validity of the “framing effect” in the service customization, in the context of teleeom service, the consumers' decision-making process under “addictive” frame and “subtraetive” frame is studied, and the differences of consumers' choice in the service customization under the two kinds of frame modes are analyzed. On the basis of that, the differences of the business attributes, as well as the differences of the difficulty, pleasure, expected regret and satisfaction of the consumers' decision-making process are analyzed. The experimental results show that by the influence of loss aversion, business attributes and other factors, there are obvious preference differences in the service customization under different frame modes. Meanwhile different frame presentation will lead to differences in consumer decision-making mechanism. Results of empirical analysis of data collected during the telecom service customization process confirm that the process is win-win for both businesses and consumers under “subtractive” frame, thus contributing to better business practice of the “subtractive” option framing mode.
出处 《北京邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2014年第2期44-52,共9页 Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71372194 71371034)
关键词 消费者行为 框架效应 行为决策 手机定制 愉悦度 consumers' behavior framing effect behavioral decision mobile phone customization pleasure
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