
新加坡国有控股公司的制度设计及面临的挑战 被引量:6

摘要 新加坡国有企业改革采取了部分私有化的模式,政府在国有企业中同时兼具管理者与股东身份。为使这两种身份被有效"隔离",新加坡建立了以淡马锡为代表的国有控股公司这一平台,并对国有企业采取了"政府—国有控股公司—政联公司"的三级管理模式。该模式之精髓在于将政府定位为一个"无为而治"的投资者,不介入国有控股公司的经营管理,同时保障国有控股公司的独立性与自主性,促使其代表政府股东积极行使对政联公司的股东权益。为降低代理成本,新加坡政府通过严格的预算"硬约束"、总审计长的财务监督以及非本届政府执政期间公司"积累储备金"的保护来对国有控股公司实施有效的外部监督。尽管新加坡国有控股公司的制度发展已非常成熟,但其依旧面临政治背景、国家利益、不正当竞争优势以及社会责任等因素的困扰,在一定程度上制约了其发展。
作者 胡改蓉
机构地区 华东政法大学
出处 《法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期81-91,共11页 Law Science
基金 国家社科基金重点资助项目"国有企业法律制度重构研究"(12AFX011) 上海市哲学社会科学规划课题"地方政府融资平台公司法律制度研究"(2011EFX003)的阶段性成果
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  • 1See Walton. John, Globalization and Popular Movements, Paper Prepared for the Conference on the Future of Revolutions in the Context of Globalization, University of California, Santa Barbara, January 25 - 27,2001.
  • 2See Lee, Eliza W. Y, Public Sector Reform and the Changing State Form : Comparing Hong Kong and Singapore, Paper Prepared for the 97th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association,San Francisco,August 30- September 2,2001.
  • 3See Low, Linda and Haggard, Stephan, State, Politics and Business in Singapore, Working Paper Series, Department of Business Policy, Na- tional University of Singapore, May,2000.
  • 4See Yvonne C. L. Lee,Under Lock and Key:The Evolving Role of the Elected President as a Fiscal Guardian,Singapore Journal of Legal Studies, December, 2007.
  • 5See Sam Roseme,Singapore Economic Balancing Act : How a Company' s Collapse Challenged the Country' s New Corporate Governance Regime, 24 UC LA Pae. Basin L.J. , 2006 - 2007, pp. 249 - 271.
  • 6See M. Shamsul Haque, Governance and Bureaucracy in Singapore : Contemporary Reforms and Implications, International Political Science Review, Vol. 25, No. 2,2004, pp. 227 - 240.
  • 7See Alan Chong,Singapore Political Economy, 1997 -2007 : Strategizing Economic Assurance for Globalization, Asian Survey, Vol. 47, No. 6,2007 ,pp. 952 -976.
  • 8See Lam,Newman MR,Government Intervention in the Economy:A Comparative Analysis of Singapore and Hong Kong,Public Adminis- tration and Development, Vol. 20, No. 5,2000, pp. 397 - 421.
  • 9See Feng F, Sun Q, Tong WHS, Do Government-link Companies Underperform? Journal of Banking and Finance No. 28,2004, pp. 2461 - 2469.
  • 10See Ng CY, Pfivatization in Singapore : Divestment with Control, ASEAN Economic Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 3,1989, pp. 290 - 318.










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