This paper is a comprehensive study on the Southern Song Dynasty history book of Xu Song Zhongxing Biannian Zizhitongjian( 《續宋中興編年 資 治 通 鑑》). First of all,the essay conducts study and speculation on Liu Shiju's life. By pointing out its highlights on"Zhongxing"and other characteristics and making concrete comparison,the author tries to entitle the book a proper academic status and reveal its historical value. From the perspective of historiography, the narrative style is similar to"Jishi Benmo( 紀事本末),"which can be a complementary method and a creative development to avoid the defects of chronological history writing. Adding comments to the history book reflects the fact that Southern Song Dynasty writings inherited the traditional way of "Chen Guang Yue"( 臣光曰) in Zizhitongjian( 《資治通鑑》) by Sima Guang. This paper also examines the origins of the book version and stresses the serious defects of Sikuquanshu( 《四庫全書》) which were changed by the compilers for various purposes.
Journal of Chinese Literature and History