
直接甲醇燃料电池关键材料的表面改性及其研究进展 被引量:2

Research Progress and Surface Modification in Key Materials of Direct Methanol Fuel Cells
摘要 直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)由于结构简单、能量密度大、无污染等优点,已经成为近年来国内外研究的热点之一。简要介绍了直接甲醇燃料电池的原理,重点概述了阳极催化剂和电解质膜这两个决定电池性能的关键材料的表面改性及其研究进展。介绍了提高直接甲醇燃料电池阳极催化剂催化活性的各种改性技术,如通过离子溅射法、分子束法等传统物理方法对电极表面进行修饰,在电极材料中掺杂对甲醇催化活性较好的纳米材料等。此外,还介绍了基于降低甲醇渗透率的Nafion膜改进技术,如通过等离子蚀刻法等物理手段对膜表面进行改性,掺杂阻醇性能较好的无机化合物等。并介绍了几种具有应用前景的新型替代膜,如接枝膜、共混膜等。最后对直接甲醇燃料电池的发展应用进行了展望。 Objective Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC) have become the domestic and international research focus in recent years due to its many advantages, such as simple structure, high energy density and pollutionlessness. This paper reviewed the principle of DMFC and the study process of anode catalyst and proton exchange membrane was emphatically elaborated. The details in modification of the anode catalyst for improving its catalytic activity were introduced, for example, the modification of the elec- trode surface by physical methods such as ion sputtering and molecular beam method, and modification of the electrode material bydoping with nanomaterials of higher methanol catalysis activity. Emphasis was laid on the studies on both Nation membranes and the substitutes to remarkably reduce the methanol permeability, such as the modification over the membrane surface by physical means of plasma etching, and by doping with some methanol-resistant inorganic compounds. Several promising alternative membranes were introduced, such as the grafted membranes and blended membranes. Finally, the outlook of DMFC was proposed.
出处 《表面技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期144-151,共8页 Surface Technology
基金 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划(201210635100 201323003) 教育部基本科研业务费重点项目(XDJK2013B018) 重庆市自然科学基金重点资助项目(cstc2012jjB5011) 重庆市首批高等学校青年骨干教师资助计划(102060) 教育部基本科研业务项目学生项目(XDJK2014D001) 重庆木兰环保工程有限公司科技开发项目(2013039)~~
关键词 表面改性 阳极催化剂 质子交换膜 直接甲醇燃料电池 direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) anode catalyst proton exchange membrane
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