
一种新的点云数据组合精简算法研究 被引量:5

Research the Algorithm for Combined Reduction Based on Point Cloud
摘要 三维激光扫描技术是最近几年在测量方面发展起来的一个热点,分析了国内外点云数据处理中压缩方法的研究现状,针对点云数据在采集过程中密度过大,单一的压缩方法存在不足的情况。提出了利用组合算法对点云数据进行精简,将最小距离法与三角形网格法结合在一起进行点云精简。通过编程实现了所提出的算法研究。将精简完的点云数据重新构建三角网,同时对精简完的点云数据进行建模,与原始模型对比,新方法的压缩效果比较理想。 The 3 dimension laser scanning technology appeared. It is a high-tech technology and also is the focus of recent survey development.the foreign research background of point cloud data reduction is reviewed in the paper.To the dense data processing of point cloud.This paper referred to simplify the cloudy with the combined.using minimum distance and triangular mesh to simplify the cloudy . we through the programming of a cloud data compression. referred new method to reconstruct the triangle net using simplified cloud data through programming. comparison with the original model. The new method of the compression effect more ideal.
出处 《科技通报》 北大核心 2014年第3期153-156,共4页 Bulletin of Science and Technology
关键词 三维激光扫描 点云数据 组合算法 三角网 建模 3D laser scanner system. cloud data. combined reduction triangular mesh model
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