
塞奥发尼斯《编年史》的特点及其影响 被引量:1

On the Traits and Impacts of Theophanes the Confessor's Chronographia
摘要 "忏悔者"塞奥发尼斯的《编年史》是拜占廷帝国中期最为重要的历史作品,尤其有助于我们了解关于毁坏圣像运动的历史内容。然而,由于作者自身经历和时代特征,这部《编年史》具有三重明显的特征,即自始至终运用单一的评价体系,作者选取史料的片面手法,以及对历史事实和某些因果联系的曲解。这些特点对后世拜占廷历史写作乃至整个文学活动的发展都产生了深远影响。我们有必要清楚认识这些特点,才能够更加准确、合理地对这部《编年史》加以利用。 The Chronographia of Theophanes the Confessor was one of the most important historicalworks of the middle Byzantine period and essential for one to understand the history of Iconoclasm. Due topersonal experiences and characteristics of his time, Theophanes’ Chronographia was deeply permeatedwith three basic traits, namely his simplex system of evaluation, his method of sifting historical sources u-nilaterally, and his misrepresentation of historical truths and causal associations. These three traits hadfar-reaching impacts on the Byzantine historiography and even the whole Byzantine literary activities dur-ing the following centuries. Only bearing all its traits in mind can one make precise and reasonable use ofTheophanes’ Chronographia.
作者 赵法欣
出处 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期99-106,共8页 Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"拜占廷史籍中所反映的民族观念"(批准号:13CSS005) 西南民族大学专门史硕士点建设项目(编号:2011XWD-S060105)之成果
关键词 “忏悔者”塞奥发尼斯 《编年史》 拜占廷帝国 中世纪 历史写作 Theophanes the Confessor Chronographia Byzantine Empire the Middle Ages historiography
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