

The Impact Analysis of Trainee Readiness on Training Effectiveness
摘要 基层公务员培训是提高公共管理队伍人员素质的关键,其培训效果的提升越来越引起理论与实践工作者的关注。基于受训准备度的研究成果,提出中国基层公务员受训准备度概念,并通过问卷调查对各维度假设进行验证,确立中国基层公务员受训准备度的7个维度及其受训准备度量表。通过确立各维度对培训效果的影响以及主、客观维度的相互关系,建立中国基层公务员受训准备度对培训效果影响关系模型,进而提出要不断完善中国基层公务员培训体系、建立梯度式培训方案等具体的针对性的改进制度。 Training of civil servants at the basic level has always been the key to the quality improvement of the per -sonnel of public administration .Training effectiveness has aroused the attention of both theorists and practical work -ers.Inview of the previous research on the trainee readiness , the paper puts forward the concept of readiness of train-ing of Chinese civil servants at the basic level .The paper establishes seven dimensions and scales and a questionnaire survey is conducted to test the hypothesis of each dimension .Through the discussion on the relationship between the various dimensions and the training effectiveness , the paper builds a relationship model of the readiness of the training with the expectation to promote the training effectiveness of Chinese civil servants at the basic level .
作者 蔡小慎 李丽
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第2期7-10,共4页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics:Social Sciences edition Edition
基金 辽宁省社会科学规划基金资助项目(042031)
关键词 基层公务员 受训准备度 培训效果 梯度式培训方案 中国基层公务员培训体系 civil servants at the basic level trainee readiness training effectiveness training scheme of gradienttype training system of Chinese civil servants at the basic level
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