The main content: Recently, four government offices formulated "punishing sexual abuse of minors opinions" jointly. The article 20 in this opinion is about the relationship between the crime of whoring female under 14 years old and "rape female under 14 years old" in the article rape. The author analyzed the construct of the crime of whoring female under 14 years old, and it's relationship between rape, considered that the behavior ruled in opinion article 20 was not as same as the crime of whoring female under 14 years old. But in practice, the crime of whoring female under 14 years old always confused with rape. Since this reason, the opinion was made for emphasize the behavior only can be convicted as rape. However, this opinion was not intend to repeal the crime of whoring female under 14 years old. Therefore, the author explicates the view of the crime of whoring female under 14 years old further, and uses the thought of "sentence anti conviction" to analyzes the application and relationship about the crime of whoring female under 14 years old and the crime of rape in practice, thus prove the independent value of the existence of crime of whoring female under 14 years old.
Law Science Magazine
whoring female under 14 years old crime of rape the balance of crimeand penalty