
固有免疫在输血相关急性肺损伤发病机理中的作用 被引量:6

The role of innate immunity in pathogenesis of transfusion related acute lung injury
摘要 目前关于输血相关急性肺损伤的发病机理主要有抗体介导理论和"2次打击"模型2种学说,但肺损伤发生的详细机理仍未完全阐明。近10年来,免疫学在固有免疫系统识别病原相关分子模式和损伤相关分子模式继而发生炎症反应方面取得重大进展,而损伤相关分子模式介导的炎症反应可能在输血相关急性肺损伤的发生中发挥关键作用,本文将就这方面的研究进展进行综述。 Mthough the pathogenesis of transfusion related acute lung injury(TRALI) is not completely understood and the molecular mechanism of TRALI has yet to be elucidated, two major theories, the antibody mediated theory and the "2-hit" model have evolved to explain it. During the past decade, incredible progress has been made in how pathogen associated molecular pattern(PAMP) and damage associated molecular pattern(DAMP) are sensed and recognized by innate immune system and then how inflammatory response is developed. A critical role for DAMP mediated inflammatory response has been suggested to be at the center of the development of TRALI.
出处 《中国输血杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期546-549,共4页 Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion
关键词 TRALI 固有免疫 炎症 DAMP NLRP3炎症小体 TRALI innate immunity inflammation DAMP NLRP3 inflammasome
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