目的采用HPLC测定比格犬血浆中的视黄醇(RL)、视黄醇棕榈酸酯(RP)、视黄醇硬脂酸酯(RS),并研究RP在比格犬体内的药动学。方法采用Agilent Extend—C18色谱柱(250mm×4.6mm,5μm),乙腈-甲醇-1%乙酸铵溶液-四氢呋喃为流动相梯度洗脱,检测波长325nm,以视黄醇醋酸酯为内标;血浆样本以无水乙醇沉淀蛋白后,用正己烷提取,N2吹干后复溶测定。结果RL、RP、RS的线性范围分别为:0.5620~56.20、0.4698~46.98、0.5215~52.15μg·mL^-1,r分别为0.9977、0.9971、0.9977(n=7),日内、日间RSD均≤10.2%,RL、RP、RS的提取回收率分别为78.0%~93.0%、79.4%~101.7%、78.8%-101.8%。比格犬单次口服视RP微囊后,RP的Tmax为7.333±1.033h,Cmax为2.342±0.337mg·L^-1,AUC(0-t)为44.913±12.963mg·L^-1·h。结论所用方法简便准确,适于比格犬血浆中RL、RP、RS的同时测定及药动学研究。
OBJECTIVE To establish a method for determination of vitamin A in beagle dogs plasma,including retinol( RL), retinol palmitate(RP) and retinol stearate( RS), and study on the pharmacokinetics of RP in beagle dogs. METHODS HPLC method was developed with a Agilent Extend - C18 column. A mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile - methnol - 1% ammonium acetate - tetrahydrofuran was used with gradient elution, and the detection wavelength was 325 nm. Proteins were precipitated with anhydrous ethanol. RL, RP and RS in beagle dogs plasma were extracted with n - hexane and determined with HPLC. RESULT The linear ranges of RL, RP and RS were 0. 5620 -56.20μg·mL^-1 (r =0. 9997 ,n =7) ,0. 4698 -46.98μg·mL^-1 ( r =0. 9971 ,n = 7) and 0. 5215 -52.15μg·mL^-1 ( r = 0. 9977, n = 7 ) , respectively. The RSD for RL, RP and RS were less than 10.2%. The proposed method recovered 78.0% - 93.0% RL,79.4% - 101.7% RP and 78.8% - 101.8% RS in dog plasma. The method was applied for the pharmacokineties study of RP 250CWS by oral administration. The AUC(0-t) ,tmax and Cmax for RP were 44. 913 ± 12. 963 mg·L^-1·h^-1 ,7. 333 ± 1. 033 h, 2. 342 ± 0. 337 mg·L^-1, respectively. CONCLUSION The method was simple, accurate and applicable to analysis and pharmacokinetic study of RL,RP and RS.
West China Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences