
新型无氨保存剂HY对天然橡胶性能的影响 被引量:3

The Effect of New Non-ammonia Preservative of HY on the Properties of Natural Rubber
摘要 采用水溶性、不挥发性的广谱抗菌剂-三嗪衍生物(HY)作为天然鲜胶乳的新型无氨保存剂,研究其对生胶及硫化胶片性能的影响。结果表明:HY保存生胶的门尼粘度略低于氨保存生胶;相比于氨保存混炼胶,HY保存混炼胶诱导期(t10)对温度依赖性低,而正硫化时间(t90)对温度的依赖性高;硫化动力学分析结果表明,HY保存橡胶与硫化体系协同性较好;动态热机械分析(DMA)测定结果显示,HY硫化胶片与氨硫化胶片玻璃化转变温度(Tg)基本相同;热重分析(TGA)结果显示,HY硫化胶片耐热氧性略有降低。 A triazine derivative-HY, which is a soluble and non-volatile broad-spectrum bactericide, was used as a new non-ammonia preservation regent for fresh natural rubber latex. The influence of HY on the properties of raw and cross-linked rubber was investigated in the paper. The results showed that Mooney viscosity of HY preserved raw rubber was slightly lower than ammonia preserved raw rubber. Compared with ammonia preserved compound, the induction period of cure (t10)of HY preserved compound exhibited weak temperature dependency, while the optimum of cure time(tgo)gave a shrong dependency on temperature. The study on vulcanization kinetics revealed that HY preserved nature rubber acted better in synergy with curing system. DMA tests showed glass transition temperature(Tg)of HY preserved vulcanized films was very similar to ammonia prserved vulcanized films. TGA tests indicated that thermal-oxidative stability of HY preserved vulcanized films was slightly poorer.
出处 《热带作物学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1203-1209,共7页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
基金 中国热带农业科学院橡胶研究所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(No.1630022011031)
关键词 门尼粘度 硫化特性 动态力学性能 热氧稳定性 Mooney viscosity Vulcanization characteristics Dynamic mechanical property Thermo-oxidative stability
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