目的:从鸭乙型肝炎病毒(DHBV)感染鸭血清中纯化表面抗原(DHBsAg),初步应用于病毒感染后复制的研究。 方法:用蔗糖密度梯度离心纯化病毒表面抗原,经Bradford法定量血清中该蛋白含量; 建立DHBsAg ELISA检测方法, 并与DHBV DNA斑点杂交相比较。 结果:纯化DHBsAg 经ELISA检测OD490nm≥1.0,Western杂交显示主要肽分子量为17KDa和35KDa;Bradford法定量血清蛋白含量为2.85~5.10μg/ml, DHBsAg ELISA检测100份血清标本阳性数为84例, 斑点杂交检测阳性数为88例,两者吻合率为94%。 结论:DHBsAg 的制备及ELISA方法的建立,为进一步研究病毒感染后复制及体内免疫应答状况奠定了基础。
Objective: Preparation of DHBsAg from DHBV infected ducks and its application for the study of virus replication. Methods : The positive serum were layered over a step gradient of 20% and 66% sucrose, DHBsAg were harvested at the interface between 20% and 66% sucrose, and then analyzed by Bradford method. Meanwhile, DHBsAg ELISA and DHBV DNA dot blot hybridization assayed 100 serum samples. Results : Purified antigen were detected OD490nm≥1.0 by DHBsAg ELISA assay and quantified 2.85~5.10μg/ml by Bradford method. Both 35KDa and 17KDa pres/s bands were present in DHBV-infected serum. DHBsAg assayed 84 positive in 100 serum samples, while DHBV DNA dot blot hybridization detected 88 positive, showing good accordance. Conclusion: Preparation of DHBsAg from DHBV-infected ducks and application of DHBsAg ELISA assay will be helpful to the study of kinetics of DHBV and immune response of ducks to the virus.
Journal of Chongqing Medical University