
高强钢管混凝土柱研究现状 被引量:2

Research on concrete-filled high strength steel tubular column
摘要 简要介绍了宝钢产高强钢板的性能、特点,对国内外高强钢管混凝土柱的研究现状进行了调研,并对高强箱形钢管混凝土短柱和长柱承载力进行了试验研究和数值分析,指出日本BRI方法可用于偏心受压短柱的承载力计算。 The paper introduces the performance and features of high strength steel plates produced by Baosteel, investigates the research status of the high strength steel tubular column, undertakes the experimental research and numeric analysis of the bearing stress of high strength box steel pipe concrete short and long columns, and points out BRI method in Japan can be preferred to the loading stress calculation of the eccentric loading short column.
作者 谢玉芳
出处 《山西建筑》 2014年第18期40-41,共2页 Shanxi Architecture
关键词 钢管混凝土柱 高强钢 承载力 steel plate concrete column high strength steel loading stress
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