文章通过随机、分层、整群抽样方法 ,对合肥市、铜陵市 3198名老年人的日常生活活动进行了现况调查。结果显示 ,城市老年人日常生活活动功能丧失率为 7.2 % ,男性 6 .2 % ,女性 8.1% ;且随年龄增大 ,功能丧失率逐渐升高 (P<0 .0 1) ,ADL各项功能丧失率较高是洗澡 (7.1% )、上厕所 (4 .8% )和室内走动 (4 .6 % ) ,较低是进食 (1.2 % )和穿衣 (3.1% ) ;6 0~ 6 4岁年龄组健康期望寿命为 14.73岁 ,男性 15 .2 9岁 ,女性 14.2 2岁 ,且随年龄增长而缩短 ,健康期望寿命占期望寿命比例男性为87.0 % ,女性为 75 .8% ,且随年龄增大 ,比例逐渐下降 ,女性健康期望寿命占期望寿命的比例明显低于男性。
We surveyed 3198 the elderly aged 60 years old and above in the urban areas of hefei, tongli using cluster-random sampling method. The results showed that the rate of losing independence of activities of daily life was 7.2%. The rates of losing independence of activities of daily life were 6.2% for men and 8.1% for women. The rates grew with age increasing (P<0.01), The rates of losing independence in bathing, toileting, transferring, dressing, feeding were 7.1%, 4.8%, 4.6%, 3.1% and 1.2% respectively. At age 60-64, health life expectancy was 14.73 years. Health life expectancy was 15.29 years for men and 14.22 years for women. The percentages of health life expectancy in life expectancy were 87% for men and 75.8% for women and the percentage decreased with age increasing. The percentage for women was lower than that of percentage for men. Authors' address Anhui Medical University, Hefei, Anhui Province. P.R.China.
Chinese Health Service Management
The elderly Activities of Daily Life Health Life Expectancy