
以色列教育收益率及其教育水平对失业影响的实证研究 被引量:2

The Relationship between Educational Attainment, Income Level and Unemployment Risk:An Empirical Analysis of Israel
摘要 研究估计了最新的以色列教育收益率,并比较了不同性别和种族人群教育水平与失业风险之间的关系。研究表明:以色列教育收益率较高,教育对收入水平具有显著影响,但不同群体之间存在显著差异;无论私人收益还是社会收益,以色列教育投资都将持续成为一项具有非常吸引力的投资;失业风险与教育水平呈负相关关系,教育水平越高,劳动力市场失业风险越低。以研究生教育水平为基准,女性各级教育水平的失业概率比男性高,犹太人各级教育水平的失业概率高于阿拉伯人。推进教育公平发展,减少因教育致贫依然是以色列政府面临的重要任务,同时对中国亦有重要借鉴意义。 Based on an estimation of the updated rates of return to education in Israel, the paper compares the relationship between educational attainment, income level and unemployment risk between different gender and ethnic groups by making use of survey data collected by Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics in 2010. Key findings are summarized as follows: Israeli education yields high level of returns and has a significant impact on annual income, but there are significant differences between different gender and ethnic groups. There is a negative correlation between unemployment risk and educational attainment, namely, the higher the level of education, the lower the risk of unemployment in the labor market. Like many other countries, in terms of both the private benefits and the social benefits of education, investment in education will continue to be very attractive in Israel. The income distribution gap is widening in China&'s labor market, which deviates from the ideal goal and values of building a harmonious society. To some extent, the experience of Israel may shed light on China's endeavor to deal with the income distribution gap.
作者 许长青
出处 《复旦教育论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期57-64,共8页 Fudan Education Forum
基金 2010年以色列巴伊兰大学经济系博士后研究科特基金项目
关键词 教育收益 教育水平 失业风险 以色列 Benefits of Education Educational Attainment Unemployment Risk Israel
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