
利益相关者视角的协同创新中心培育策略探析 被引量:7

Strategies to Establish Collaborative Innovation Centers:A Stakeholder Perspective
摘要 高校协同创新中心的利益相关者有政府、企业、高校科研院所和校内学科院系,还有师生个体等。利益相关者的视角有助于我们理解"人才、学科、科研三位一体",即:协同创新中心的科研应与区域的产业技术创新相对接,政产学研各方应依托中心促进区域创新网络的完善;中心应加强与校内学科院系协同发展,促进相关学科的创新能力提升;中心的建设应把"人才"放在第一位,营造促进师生发展的学术环境。基于长三角多个协同创新中心与利益相关者之间的互动实践,论文针对以上三个方面提出一些具体的实践性策略。 Collaborative Innovation Centers (CICs)have multiple stakeholders, including governments, enterprises, universities, research institutes and academic departments, as well as teachers and students. Based on a field investigation of CICs located in the Yangtze River Delta, the author puts forward several policy recommendations as follows: a) establishing a regional innovation network by fostering closer links between CIC's academic research and regional technology innovation; b) enhancing the innovative capabilities of academic disciplines by intensifying CIC's collaboration with academic departments; c) creating a favorable environment for the growth of talents.
作者 刘凡丰
出处 《复旦教育论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期72-77,共6页 Fudan Education Forum
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(11YJAZH057) 复旦大学中央高校基本科研业务青年教师科研能力提升项目(20520132133)
关键词 协同创新中心 利益相关者 体制机制改革 Collaborative Innovation Center Stakeholder Reform of Institutions and Mechanisms
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