本文对 8 5例静脉注射海洛因致急性中毒的临床资料分析表明 ,其主要临床表现为不同程度的昏迷、明显的呼吸抑制及针尖样瞳孔缩小三联征 ,重症者伴循环衰竭 (即低血压状态或休克 )。其首选有效拮抗剂为纳络酮 ,其他中枢兴奋剂如可拉明、洛贝林等及时应用 ,也可达到良好效果。本组病人全部获救 。
Through analyzing the clinical materials of 85 acute heroine poisoning cases by in travenous injecion the main chinical symptoms were coma with different degree,visible respiration inhibition and pinpoint myosis——three joint syndromes.The serious cases accompanied by cirulatory failure (in the condition of low blood pressur or shock).The preferred effective antagonist is Nalotong,the other central nurve stimulant as coramine、Lobeline,if timely given,also can obtain better effects.All the cases of this group were saved,no one died.\;
Journal of Henan Medical College For Staff and Workers