目的应用彩色多普勒血流成像(CDFI)研究旋股外侧动脉(LCFA)穿支血管的走行分布规律、体表定位及血流动力学特点,为LCFA穿支皮瓣设计提供依据。方法观察60例患者左侧LCFA穿支(管径≥0.5mm)数目、管径、起点位置、穿深筋膜位置、峰值流速,并据血管走行分为Ⅰ~Ⅲ型。结果 60例患者共检测到穿支动脉132支,平均2.2支。其中Ⅰ型96支(72.7%),Ⅱ型34支(25.8%),Ⅲ型2支(1.5%)。最粗大穿支动脉分布于以髂髌连线中点为圆心5 cm为半径的圆内。LCFA降支外径和最粗大穿刺动脉的外径、PSV男性高于女性(P<0.05),而在各年龄段间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。血流频谱示舒张期血流速度极低近消失,呈低速高阻单向频谱。结论 CDFI可直观地显示股外侧LCFA穿支血管走行分布,进行体表定位,并可评价血管质量,对股外侧LCFA穿支皮瓣设计提供依据。
Objective To study the distribution,location and hemodynamics of perforating branches of the lateral circumflex femoral artery(LCFA) using color Doppler flow imaging(CDFI). Methods Perforating branches of LCFA were examined in left femurs of 60 patients using CDFI. The following parameters were detected:number,diameter,jumping-off point, course,location and peak blood velocity. Then they were divided into typeⅠ~Ⅲaccording to the location of perforating branches. Results One hundred and thirty-two perforating branches were detected in 60 patients. The average number of perforating branches was 2.2. These branches were classified into three types:typeⅠ,96 perforating branches(72.7%);typeⅡ,34 perforating branches(25.8%);typeⅢ,2 perforating branches(1.5%). The most dominant branches were located within a radius of 5 cm from the middle point of the line from ilium to patella. The external diameter of descending limbs of LCFA and the most dominant branches and PSV were higher in male than those in female (P0.05). In relaxing period,the blood flow rate was almost disappeared and the frequency spectrum showed the characteristics of single direction,lower blood velocity and higher blood resistance. Conclusion CDFI with high resolution showed better results of distribution and location of perforating branches of LCFA and a better quality evaluation of these branches. CDFI is helpful to design the skin flap containing cutaneous perforators of LCFA.
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound in Medicine
Lateral circumflex femoral artery,surgical flaps