为了寻找一种新的简单的中性鞘糖脂显色法 ,作者按改良的Hakomori法纯化组织中性鞘糖脂 ,分别应用传统的二苯胺喷雾法和碘显色法进行显色并比较了两种方法的敏感性。结果显示 ,传统的二苯胺喷雾法显色中性鞘糖脂呈蓝色 ,碘显色法显色呈棕黄色 ,两种方法各组分位置相同 ,但后者较前者敏感、快速、简便。说明碘显色法作为一种新的中性鞘糖脂显色法 ,具有简单、经济、快速、敏感、无毒的优点 ,且可重复显色。
To investigate a simple method visualizing neutral glycosphingolipid (N-GSLs) with iodine vapor, N-GSLs were isolated from the normal brain tissue of human by a modificated method of Hakomori, and then analyzed by HPTLC and visualized respectively by spraying aniline-diphenylamine-H 3PO 4 reagent and immersing into a jar full of iodine vapor. The plate should be kept 110℃ for 5 min until the coloration emerged by using the first method,and the N-GSLs were slowly made visible with a blue coloration. The N-GSLs were immediately made visible with a red-brown coloration by using the second method, and the color visible on the plates could emerge again after vaporized. Moreover, the second method was more sensitive than the first. The location of individual N-GSLs was the same by using the two methods. It suggested that a new method for visualizing N-GSLs has been established, it is simple, economic, rapid, innocuity and more sensitive, and the results are reproducible.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
国家自然科学基金资助! (编号 3 9870 0 14 3
3 9870 813 )