
大学生休闲满意度对应激和抑郁影响的路径分析 被引量:2

Effects of leisure satisfaction on stress and depression of undergraduates: a path analysis
摘要 目的 考察大学生休闲满意度与应激及抑郁的路径关系.方法 采用分层整群取样法抽取的1 000名大学生填写了大学生休闲满意度问卷、青少年生活事件量表、自评抑郁量表与基本信息调查表;采用积差相关分析与结构方程建模法对数据进行了统计分析.结果 休闲满意度总分[(3.63±0.78)分]对应激(β=-0.30,t=-8.81)及抑郁(β=-0.05,t1=-5.69,t2=7.54)均有显著负向预测作用;休闲放松满意度得分[(3.80±0.89)分]既可以直接影响抑郁(β=-0.18,t=-3.28)也可以通过应激间接影响抑郁(β=-0.06,t1=-6.53,t2=7.28),休闲交往满意度得分[(3.51±0.82)分]对抑郁及应激均无明显作用(t<2),而休闲超越满意度得分[(3.56±0.85)分]仅直接影响抑郁(β=-0.15,t=-2.75)而对应激无明显作用(t<2).结论 大学生休闲满意度的不同维度对应激及抑郁的影响路径不同. Objective To explore the relationship among different dimensions of leisure satisfaction,stress and depression of Chinese undergraduates.Methods A stratified sample of 1 000 undergraduates completed the Leisure Satisfaction Questionnaire of College Students (LSQ),Adolescent Self-Rating Life Check List (ASLEC),Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS),and the basic information questionnaire.The data was analyzed by methods of Pearson' s product-moment correlation and structural equation modeling.Results Firstly,total score of LSQ (3.63 ±0.78) had significant effect on depression(β=-0.30,t=-8.81>2),and it' s indirect effect on depression buffered by stress was also significant(β=-0.05,t 1 =-5.69,t2 =7.54).Secondly,in the three dimensions of LSQ,satisfaction of leisure relaxation(3.80±0.89) had both significant main effect(β=-0.18,t=-3.28) and indirect effect buffered by stress (β=-0.06,t1 =-6.53,t 2 =7.28) on depression,while satisfaction of leisure contact (3.51 ±0.82) had neither main effect nor indirect effect buffered by stress on depression significantly(t <2).And satisfaction of leisure transcendence (3.56 ± 0.85) had significant main effect (β =-0.15,t =-2.75) but no indirect effect buffered by stress on depression.Conclusion The impact paths to stress and depression were distinguished between the three dimensions of leisure satisfaction of Chinese undergraduates.
作者 胡炳政
出处 《中华行为医学与脑科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期448-450,共3页 Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science
基金 河南省教育厅人文社会科学规划项目(2013-GH-423)
关键词 休闲满意度 应激 抑郁 大学生 Leisure satisfaction Stress Depression Undergraduates
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