
脊神经刺激对星状神经节功能的影响 被引量:2

Effects of spinal cord stimulation on the activity of stellate ganglions
摘要 目的观察低强度脊神经刺激(SCS)对星状神经节功能的影响。方法用随机数字表法将12只成年犬分为两组:实验组6只,用90%阈电压(阈电压定义为刺激胸1-胸2脊神经引起肌肉震颤的最低电压数值)进行低强度SCS,持续6 h;对照组6只,同等强度刺激同水平脊髓节段不会引起肌肉震颤的部位,持续6 h。记录基础状态、2、4和6 h末递增电压刺激左侧星状神经节(LSG)、右侧星状神经节(RSG)时的血压或心率变化。以刺激电压作为横坐标,血压或心率变化的最大百分比作为纵坐标绘出电压-血压反应曲线及电压-心率反应曲线,其中电压-血压反应曲线代表LSG功能曲线,电压-心率曲线则代表RSG功能曲线。结果低强度SCS刺激6 h使电压-血压反应曲线及电压-心率反应曲线逐渐钝化,使同等电压刺激引起的最大血压及最大心率变化逐渐降低;而对照组6 h低强度SCS对LSG的电压-血压反应曲线及RSG的电压-心率反应曲线无明显影响。结论 6 h低强度SCS可以明显抑制LSG及RSG的功能。 Objective To investigate whether low level spinal cord stimulation can affect the activity of stellate ganglion (SG). Methods Twelve adult dogs were divided into two groups in accordance with the random number table (the control group and the experimental group ). In the experimental group, SCS was delivered to the T1-T2 via wire electrodes at voltages 10% below the threshold which resulted in muscular twitching for 6 h. In the control group, similar stimulation was delivered to distal T1-T2 where muscular twitching would not be induced. BP and HR at baseline and 2, 4, 6 h after stimulation were recorded and then the voltage-BP and voltage-HR curves were constructed. Results The 6 h SCS gradually flattened the vohage-BP response curve of left stellate ganglion (LSG) and voltage-HR response curve of right stellate ganglion ( RSG), while no significant change in the control group. Conclusions The 6 h SCS can obviously inhibit the function of LSG and RSG.
出处 《中国心血管杂志》 2014年第3期213-216,共4页 Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81270339 81300182) 武汉市科技攻关计划项目(201306060201010271) 湖北省自然科学基金项目(2013CFB302) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2042012kf1099 2042014kf0110) 武汉大学博士研究生自主科研项目(2012302020206)~~
关键词 脊神经 经皮神经电刺激 星状神经节 自主神经系统 Spinal nerves Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation Stellate ganglion Autonomic nerves system
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