目的:观察利咽雾化液通过蒸气吸入治疗小儿急慢性咽炎的疗效。方法:将156例患儿随机分为两组,治疗组86例,选用经配制的利咽雾化液通过蒸气雾化吸入治疗。对照组70例,选用原剂型利咽饮以泡水口服治疗。结果:治疗组:显效 44例,有效34例,总有效率90.70%。对照组,显效24例,好转32例,总有效率80.00% 。治疗组优于对照组。结论:利咽雾化液通过蒸气吸入治疗小儿急慢性咽炎是一种有效的、安全的方法。
Objective: To observe the effect of the inhalant mixed by ourselves for infantile acute or chronil pharyngitis by vaporous atomization. Methods: 156 patients were divided radomly into 2 groups. 86 cases were in the treatment group, which were treated with the inhalant we mixed by vaporous atomixation. And the others were in the cintrol group. They were administered with the original method by taking the soak of drugs. Results: The total effective rate of the treatment group was the contrl group was 80. 00 % , 24 and 32 respectively. Comprarison. between the two groups showed that the effect of the treatment group was superior to that of the control group. Conclusion: The inhalant of vaporous atomization was an reliable and safe way for infantile acute or chronil pharyngitis.
Journal of Pediatric Pharmacy