目的 :调查住院病人药物治疗不良反应发生率及特点和原因。方法 :断面收集全科病房 2 0 0 0年 9月6 0例住院患者药物治疗资料 ,按卫生部不良反应监察标准计算不良反应发生率、发生类型以及用药指征。结果 :全科病房患者 87 2 %的疾病得到临床治愈或好转 ,药物不良反应发生率 15 % ,特异反应型占 88 9% ,与药物应用中证据不充分、扩大应用可能有关。结论 :当前仍应重视药物不良反应 ,严格掌握药物应用指征 ,临床实践中重视循证用药。
Objective:To survey the occurrence rate of adverse drug reaction(ADR),its characteristics and causes in inpatients.Methods:By cross-section survey,clinical data from the case records were collected in the month of September,2000.The following headings were analyzed:effectiveness,ADR and its clinical type,indication of medication.Results:There were 60 patients admitted in our ward.Of them,125 diseases occurred with the effectiveness rate of 87 2%.The occurrence rate of adverse drug reaction was 15%,and with specific allergic reaction 88 9%.Conclusion:Adverse drug reaction is still an important problem in clinical work.It is very necessary to emphasize and control the indication of medication.
West China Medical Journal