对于包含许多各种各样电缆组件(射频、信号、电源等)的设备来说,电缆组件敷设是其设计的重要部分。本文介绍一种多人协同完成电缆组件虚拟设计的方法:通过Creo Parametric创建参数化模型,模拟电缆、连接器附件的结构、配置方式等。从而在产品的设计阶段就能确定机柜内空间能否容纳所需的电缆,元器件的布置能否满足线缆的折弯要求等。
Cable Routing is very important in one wired equipment assembly, which is comprised of a variety of cables (RF, signal, power, etc.). A methodology has evolved that will allow multiple users to concurrently work on simulating cable assemblies using Creo Parametric, create parameter model to specify the cables, connects, and their locations.