The effect on chemi-mechanical pulping performance was studied with twin-screw preimpregnating refiner and disc refiner, using poplar wood processing residues from the northern of Jiangsu province as raw material. The results show that the quality of poplar wood processing residues has an impact on pulping yield, specific refining energy, pulp brightness and strength properties. Under the chemical conditions of hydrogen peroxide dosages of 7.0%, combined with 6.0% sodium hydroxide based on oven dry chip, for impregnation, the high quality pulp with brightness levels of 81%ISO or up and the yield of about 85.6% is obtained by twin-screw refiner preimpregnating using high quality poplar wood processing residues. At the freeness level of CSF 300ml, pulp tensile strength can reach to 33N.m/g or up; by using poor quality poplar wood processing residues as raw material, the pulping yield reaches to 84.2%, brightness up to about 73%ISO, tensile index 29N.m/g. Furthermore, 30% specific refining energy can be saved with twin-screw preimpregnating refiner followed by high concentration disc refiner, while the yield of pulping, pulp brightness and pulp strength have only a little difference.
China Pulp & Paper Industry