

Another Beautiful Encounter——Pays de la Loire Visits Shandong
摘要 在法国的西北部,美丽的卢瓦尔河静静地流过。在卢瓦尔河的入海处,坐落着美丽的卢瓦尔大区,遍布的城堡、修道院、罗曼风格的教堂和葡萄园,让这里拥有了许多浪漫而独特的景观,众多的中世纪城堡被联合国教科文组织列入世界自然文化遗产。在中国,位于黄河入海处的山东省,与卢瓦尔大区远隔万里之遥却频频牵手。作为友好省区,双方自2006年缔结友好合作关系以来,在经贸、教育、体育、文化等领域开展了富有成效的合作,成为中法两国问友城合作的典范。 Shandong Province and Pays de la Loire established friendly cooperation in 2006. Since then, the two sides have carried out effective cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, education, sports, and culture and become the model of friendly cooperation between China and France.On April 24, Jacques Auxiette, Chairman of Pays de la Loirevisited Shandong. This was his 7th visit to Shandong. Four cities of Pays de la Loire established friendly cooperation relationship with the cities in Shandong. The cooperation between the two sides won high praise from the governments of China and France. Mr. Auxiette indicated at the investment conference that he hoped to promote the cooperation on energy, shipbuilding industry, aircraft manufacturing industry, and infrastructure. The wind power generator manufacturing industry of Pays de la Loire is advanced and many places of Shandong are making and using this kind of generator. The cooperative perspective is wide. 'We come to Shandong not only for economic development, but also for cultural communication. The orchestra of Pays de la Loire has come to Shandong twice.' In the morning on April 26, the opening ceremony of the Loire Pavilion was held in the park of Qingdao International Horticultural Exposition. The theme of Loire Pavilion is 'Strolling along the banks of the Loire River and experiencing the rural productive landscape0.
作者 启洪
出处 《走向世界》 2014年第24期62-64,共3页 Openings
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