Objective To investigate the metabolism al infarction(AMI) and the cumulative effect on the outcome. risk factors of patients with acute myocardi- Methods The metabolism risk factors of 398 patients with AMI received the conventional therapies were investigated, including hypertension, gly- cometabolism and dyslipidemia, etc. The patients with three or more metabolism risk factors were en- rolled in group A, while those with one or two metabolism risk factors were enroled in group B, and the others were enrolled in group C. The clinical characteristics, inhospital mortality, one year mortality and heart ocurrence rate in one year was analyzed. Results There were 153 patients in group B, and 108 patients in group A. Compared with groupC, patients in group A or group B were more prone to have ma- lignant arrhythmia and high Killip grade, and the inhospital, one year mortality and heart ocurrence rate were higher( P 〈 0. 05 or P 〈 0. 01 ). Compared with group B, patientsin group A were more prone to have hypertension disorder, glycometabolism, dyslipidemia and abdomen obese(P 〈 0. 01). Compared with group B or group C, patients in group A were more prene to have more malignant arrhythmia and high Killip grade patients in, and the inhospital, one year mortality and heart ocurrence rate were higher (P 〈 0. 05 or P 〈 0. 01 ). Conclusions The metabolism risk factors are all independent risk factors for the outcome of the patients with AMI, with more metabolism risk factors, the outcome is worse.
Chinese Journal of Practical Medicine
Acute myocardial irffarction
Abdomen obese