
世界少数民族手语保护:现状与启示 被引量:4

A Research of the Protection of World Minority Sign Language
摘要 就全世界范围来看,少数民族手语呈现三大特征:(1)类型多样,互不相通;(2)使用人数下降,活力衰退;(3)定义不明,界限模糊。造成少数民族语言濒危或者消亡的因素涉及社会、教育、经济和语言等多方面,给其保护工作带来了极大的困难。然而从研究价值上看,少数民族手语对于语言本体研究、语言接触以及民族历史文化等都有重大意义,因此重视其保护工作势在必行,我国手语标准化工作对少数民族手语的规范作用应当硬性和柔性兼顾。 On a global scale, the minority sign language bears three major characteristics as the following: 1 ) there are diversified types which can not be understood by each other; 2) users are decreasing and language vigor recessing; 3 ) the definition is ambiguous and the boundary vague. The causes which endanger the minority sign language involve social, educational, economic and language factors which result in great difficulties for the protection. However, the significance of minority sign language in the language ontology research, language contact and ethnic culture proves imperative to the protection. In addition, this paper puts forward that the standardization sign language in our country should make a balance between rigidity and flexibility.
作者 李恒 吴铃
出处 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期96-102,共7页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
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