
首都圈与长三角含水生态足迹差异比较研究 被引量:2

Comparative study on the differences of water-included ecological footprint between capital circle and the Yangzi Delta Area
摘要 利用含水生态足迹方法,在测度2005-2012年首都圈、长三角生态足迹的基础上,对比分析了首都圈和长三角生态足迹的水平及其变迁。结果发现,长三角除人均生态赤字之外,总生态足迹、总生态承载力、总生态赤字、人均生态足迹、人均生态承载力及生态效率均大于首都圈;在人均生态足迹和生态效率两个指标上,首都圈内各省(市)的差距较之长三角更为悬殊,且省(市)际差距呈逐年扩大的趋势,而长三角的省际差距则在逐年缩小。此外,对比中心城市的表现,北京市拉低了首都圈的人均生态足迹和人均生态赤字,而上海市则起到了拉高的作用。 This essay contrasts the level and change ofecological footprint of the capital circle and the Yangzi Delta Area, using water - included ecological footprint model, based onthe measurement result from 2005 to 2012. The findings indicatethat firstly, the Yangzi Delta Area shows larger total ecologicalfootprint, total ecological capacity, total ecological deficit, percapita ecological footprint, per capita ecological capacity thanthe capital circle, with only per capita ecological deficit is smal-ler. Secondly, the provinces of the capital circle show larger in-terprovince difference in respect of per capita ecological foot-print and ecological efficiency, and the difference is still wide-ning. Meanwhile, the counterpart of the Yangzi Delta Aarea isnarrowing year by year. Thirdly, the nuclear city of the region,Beijing' s performance lowers the per capita ecological footprintand per capita ecological deficit of the capital circle. Mean-while, Shanghai' s performance plays an opposite role to theYangzi Delta Area.
出处 《城市问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期28-36,共9页 Urban Problems
关键词 首都圈 长三角 含水生态足迹 capital circle the Yangzi Delta Area wa-ter - included ecological footprint
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