
民办高等教育内涵式发展的路径选择 被引量:2

Paths for the Connotative Development of Private Higher Education
摘要 高等教育发展包括外延式发展和内涵式发展。改革开放以来,中国民办高等教育大多实行外延式发展,但随着国内外环境深刻复杂的变化,加上民办高等教育面临着高校适龄生源下行压力、高校适龄生源净流出压力、高校毕业生就业率下降压力和高校教师工资水平上升压力的挑战,迫切需要民办高等教育实行内涵式发展。民办高等教育内涵式发展可行路径选择包括:加快发展以推进人力资源转型升级为目标的民办成人教育;调整办学定位,凝练大学品质,加强精细化管理;加快推进以开发优质民办高等教育资源为导向的民办高等教育结构调整;深化民办高等教育体制机制改革。 The development of higher education can be classified into connotative development and extensive development. Since the reform and opening-up, China's private higher education has developed mainly in an extensive manner. However, it is imperative for private colleges and universities to undergo connotative development because of the profoundly complicated change of the circumstances abroad and at home, the pressures from the decrease of the number of the students with suitable age for college, the net out-flow of the suitable candidates for college, the decline of college graduates' employment rate and the rise of college teachers' salaries. The paths for the connotative development of private colleges include: promoting the private adult education which aims at the upgrading of human resources, strengthening delicacy management by adjusting school-running orientation and refining university character, restructuring the private higher education which is devoted to developing quality higher education resources and deepening the reform of private higher education system.
作者 马云珍 肖昊
出处 《高校教育管理》 CSSCI 2014年第4期97-103,共7页 Journal of Higher Education Management
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(12YJA880129)
关键词 民办高等教育 内涵式发展 外延式发展 路径选择 private higher education connotative development extensive development choice of path
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