

Differentiated Fluorescence Centers in Europium Acetylacetonate Hydrate Doped Poly Methyl Methacrylate
摘要 制备了均匀且透明的乙酰丙酮铕水合物掺杂的聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)。Judd-Ofelt强场参数Ω2(19.73×10-20 cm2)和Ω4(2.19×10-20 cm2)表明在掺杂样品中三价铕离子周围环境具有较强共价性和反演非对称性。计算得5 D0→7 FJ(J=1,2和4)跃迁的最大发射截面分别为0.38×10-21,4.90×10-21和0.36×10-21 cm2。在365nm紫外光的激发下样品发出紫红色荧光,在254nm紫外光激发下则呈现明亮的红色,表明样品可作为紫外光敏感元件用于光学传感器。掺杂样品折射率与纯PMMA的折射率之间存在合理的差值,当其作为纤芯材料与包层材料纯PMMA结合制成标准尺寸9μm/125μm光纤时支持多模光传输,为进一步研发医疗照明光纤、柔性通讯光纤和光纤传感器提供基础。 Poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA)was doped with europium acetylacetonate hydrate.Judd-Ofelt parametersΩ2 (19. 73×10^-20 cm^2 )andΩ4 (2. 19 ×10^-20 cm^2 )indicate a high inversion asymmetry and strong covalent environment around Eu3+ in PMMA.The maximum stimulated emission cross-sections for the 5D0→7FJ (J= 1,2 and 4)transitions in EAH doped PMMA were calculated to be 0. 38×10^-21 ,4. 90×10^-21 and 0. 36×10^-21 cm^2 ,respectively.Efficient purplish-red and red fluo-rescence was obtained from europium acetylacetonate hydrate doped PMMA under 365 and 254 nm excitation respectively,indi-cating that it can be used as UV sensitive components for fiber optic sensors.Because of the suitable refractive index difference between doped sample and pure PMMA,it is expected to fabricate standard 9μm/125μm optical fiber which supports multi-mode transmission,providing basis of further development for medical fiber,flexible communication fiber and fiber optic sensor.
出处 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1482-1485,共4页 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61275057) 辽宁省自然科学基金项目(201202011)资助
关键词 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 乙酰丙酮铕水合物 差异化发光中心 Poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) Europium acetylacetonate hydrate Differentiated fluorescence centers
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