为评价核糖体DNA第2内转录间隔区( rDNA-ITS2)序列作为中国按蚊属塞蚊亚属蚊种鉴别的分子特征。笔者整理和分析了数据库中注册的所有中国记录的塞蚊亚属蚊种的rDNA-ITS2序列,并应用MEGA软件计算其在种内和种间的差异性( p距离)。截止2013年7月, GenBank中已注册ITS2序列共442条,隶属塞蚊亚属蚊27种。计算结果显示, ITS2序列在大多数种内的变异性小于1%;而注册的浅色按蚊、乌头按蚊和溪流按蚊的序列种内差异较大,无法确定其种特异序列;忽略上述3蚊种进行计算的其他种间序列差异性范围为2.80%(大劣按蚊与大劣按蚊D)~68.3%(多斑按蚊与迷走按蚊)。结果提示rDNA-ITS2序列在中国塞蚊亚属大多数蚊种中具有良好的种内保守性和种间解析度,少数种类无法区分。
To evaluate the ribosomal DNA second internal transcribed spacer (rDNA-ITS2) sequences as an identification marker of genus Cellia Subgenus Anopheles mosquito species in China.The rDNA-ITS2 sequences of subgenus Cellia mosquito species in China registered in the GenBank database were downloaded and analysized .The intraspecific variation and interspecific difference ( p-distance ) were estimated by MEGA software.By July 2013, there were 442 of ITS2 sequences of the subgenus Cellia registered on GenBank, which belong to 27 species.The value of intraspecific p-distance was less than 1%in most species.The species-specific ITS2 sequences of An.subpictus, An.fluviatilis and An.indefinitus were unable to determine due to larger differences within species.To ignore the above three species, the range of interspecific p-distance among other species was from 2.80%( An.dirus with An.dirus D) to 68.3%( An.maculates with An.vagus) .The results suggested that the rDNA-ITS2 sequence has a good conservation and interspecific resolution in most of the Cellia mosquitoes but cannot be used to distinguish several species and forms.
Acta Parasitologica et Medica Entomologica Sinica