为了探索基于COⅠ基因的DNA条形码技术在鼠类鉴定中的应用,本研究检测了黑瞎子岛地区2科3属4种41只鼠类的COⅠ基因序列,进行比对分析,基于Kimura双参数模型计算种内种间遗传距离,用NJ法构建系统发育树,结果表明种间遗传距离显著大于种内遗传距离,聚类分析表现为很短的种内分支和较长的种间分支,同种个体聚为高支持度的单一分支。5只红背Clethrionomys rutilus 被误判为棕背 Clethrionomys rufocanus,24只莫氏田鼠Microtus maximowiczii被误判为东方田鼠Microtus fortis,1只大林姬鼠Apodemus peninsulae被误判为东方田鼠。研究结果表明, DNA条形码不仅能够纠正形态学鉴定中的错误,还能鉴别形态相近的近缘种。基于COⅠ基因的DNA条形码技术能够方便、快捷、准确的鉴定鼠类。
To explore the application of DNA barcoding in the identification of rats, the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I genes of 41 rats from Heixiazi Island, belonging to 2 families, 3 generas and 4 species, were amplified.Blast comparisons were made in NCBI.The Intraspecific genetic distance and interspecific genetic distance were calculated with MEGA 5.0 based on Kimura double parameter model.The NJ tree was ultimately carried out.The results indicated that the interspecific genetic distance was remarkably greater than the intraspecific genetic distance .The phylogenetic analysis suggested that the lengths of interspecific branches were much longer than those of intraspecific branches.The rat samples of the same species constituted monophyletic groups .5 Clethrionomys rutilus rats were based on morphologic characters as Clethrionomys rufocanus.24 Microtus maximowiczii rats were based on morphologic characters as Microtus fortis.One Apodemus peninsulae rat was misidentified as Microtus fortis.Our research indicated that DNA barcode can not only identify correctly without morphological diagnoses, but also identify allied species.DNA barcoding based on COⅠgene can provide convenient and accurate identification of rats.
Acta Parasitologica et Medica Entomologica Sinica