CCSDS标准给出的低密度奇偶校验码(Low Density Parity Check,LDPC)其子矩阵具有不同的列重,这给部分并行译码器的设计带来困难。本文针对如何高效实现CCSDS中LDPC码部分并行译码的问题,根据该类码的准循环特性,将码的校验矩阵分解成3个矩阵的和,提出了一种能够部分并行译码的译码器结构。利用本文提出的方法设计译码器时可以在译码时延和译码复杂度之间进行折中。
Some LDPC codes with different rates for deep space communication are provided in CCSDS standard. These codes have quasi-cyclic structure, and can afford high coding gain and implementation flexibility of encoder and decoder for satellite crosslink system of COMPASS. But the column weight of sub-matrices of the code are different, which makes the implementation of parallel decoder of the code difficult. Based on the quasi-cyclic characteristic, the parity check matrix of each code is decomposed into three-matriee sum, and a decoder structure which can be implemented in a partially parallel way is presented in this paper. Tradeoff can be made between decoding delay and implementation complexity with the presented method.
Spacecraft Engineering