新时期的现实,使高校德育的四大问题更加突出并丰富了内容。20年的实践证明,青年大学生的政治 方向问题不是一劳永逸的,应在全面素质教育中更加突出德育,并使德育与素质教育互相渗透。应坚持青年教育的 马克思主义基本原则不变,同时处理好各种新出现的特殊关系,探讨高校德育的新对策。
The new age makes four basic tasks of the moral education for college students more obvious and plentiful. The history of 20 years has proved that the problem of the political direction of youths may need a long time to solve. The right solutions are to strengthen the moral education, to infiltrate the moral education with the quality education, to adhere to the basic principle of Marxism in the youth education,to deal with new special relations in the new age, to find out new countermeasures in the moral education for college students.
Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)