物流这一概念,随着它对商品生产、流通和消费的影响,日益明显并越来越引起人们的注意。随着现代企业生产经营方式的变革和市场外部条件的变化,“第三方物流”(third party logistics)这种物流形态开始引起人们的重视。为参与国际竞争,企业必须降低产品的成本(包括生产成本和销售成本),降低库存(包括仓储和运送过程中的库存),增加效益;企业要求准确及时的信息,要求增加整个供应链流程的可视性。第三方物流提供者为企业解决了上述难题,因此,越来越多的企业纷纷选择了这一新兴的物流业务。
The concept of “logistics' has now increasingly at tracted people's atte ntion with its influence on the commodity production,distribution and consumptio n.The new concept of “ third party logistics' begins to be emphasized by people in the reforms of modern enterprise management.Enterprises must lower their cost s of production and sale in order to take part in the international competition while they must get accurate information.The supplier of the third party logisti cs solve the above problems.Thus,more and more enterprises choose this new busin ess of operation.
Journal of Guangxi University For Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)