对我国社会保险法的概念、调整对象、地位与体系、立法原则等基本理论问题进行了探讨。认为社会保险法具有自己独立的调整对象 ,是从属于社会保障法的一个法律部门。社会保险法的体系由养老保险法、工伤保险法、失业保险法、医疗保险法、生育保险法所构成。社会保险立法应遵循的基本原则包括 :普遍性原则 ;与经济发展相适应原则 ;满足人们基本生活需求原则 ;权利与义务相一致原则 ;
This paper makes a relatively systematic study of some basic theoretical issues of the social insurance law, such as concept, adjusting object, position and system, legislative principle, etc. The social insurance law which has its own independent object of adjustment is a branch department subordinate to the social security law. The social insurance law system is composed of insurance laws for the old, the injury on the job, the unemployed, medical treatment and childbearing. The legislation of social insurance should abide by the following principles: to keep abreast of the economic development; to meet the basic demands of the people; the right consistent with obligation; the coercion.
Social Science Journal For Central South University of Technology