千年之交 ,是我国社会结构发生根本性转型的关键时期 ,教育体制的适应性变革进入了攻坚阶段。在这个过程中 ,我国的中等专业教育体制也受到社会人才需求的高层次和实用性两种趋向的严峻挑战 ,面临着生存危机。惟有在市场规律的指导下 ,以内部调整和外向分流为基本路径对自身进行改制 ,中等专业教育才能逐步走出困境 。
The beginning of the new century is an important time for fundamental transformation of Chinese social structure.Reformation of the education system has come to a key stage. During this time,the system of secondary specialized education challenged is with trends social need:the need for high quality personnel and for practical personnel.Secondary specialized education will face with predicament,and it can exert its function only when it is transformed by adjusting its inside and shunting outside according to the market disciplinarian.
Journal of Changde Teachers University(Social Science Edition)