按教科书所讲 ,科学是属于社会意识的范畴 ,生产力是属于社会存在的范畴。然而 ,科学技术是生产力的论断 ,在理论上早已达成共识 ,那么 ,如果我们承认科学是生产力 ,是否混淆了社会意识和社会存在的界限 ?科学究竟应属于社会意识的范畴 ,还是属于社会存在的范畴 ?解决这一教学难点问题的关键是运用辩证法。我们认为 ,科学作为一项事业 ,在社会活动中的地位和功能有两个方面 :一是在精神文明方面 ,即认识世界 ,这是科学认识功能 ,这时科学属于社会意识的范畴 ;二是在物质文明方面 ,即改造世界 ,这是科学的生产力功能 。
According to the textbooks,science belongs to the category of social consciousness,and productive forces belong to the category of social being.It's well-known that science and technology are part of productive forces.Does it blur the distinction between social consciousness and social being or not?Does science belong to the category of social consciousness or the category of social being?Solving this difficult point is to use dialectics.Science has two functions in social activities.As the functioin of scientific knowledge,science belongs to the category of social consciousness,and as the function of productive forces,science belongs to the category of social being. [
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi