针对图象质量和传输码率在不同的视频传输系统中的不同要求 ,给出了一种用于视频编码宏块分类的贝叶斯代价函数 ,并依此构成了基于贝叶斯决策的自适应编码算法 .试验表明 ,该算法可以实现图象质量和传输码率的主观折衷 ,并能提高重建图象的质量和平均峰值信噪比 .
Both picture quality and coder's outputting bit rate are important in the video coding process. An adaptive video coding algorithm is proposed in this paper. The algorithm takes into account both picture quality and coder's outputting bit rate. It gives out a reasonable Bayes cost function and introduces Bayes decision method into the video coding process. The algorithm uses Bayes decision method to choose coding strategy in order to agree with the statistical sort of image macroblock. The algorithm chooses the coding strategy whose Bayes cost is the minimum and the subjective assessment of the coding strategy is the best. At the same time, the algorithm gives out the trade off parameter λ between picture quality and coder's outputting bit rate. The trade off parameter λ is updated according the state of the buffer and the coder's outputting bit rate is smoothed in order to make the best use of the channel. This method can get better quality of reconstructed picture and higher average PSNR .
Journal of Image and Graphics