
基于扩展有限元的巴西圆盘动态裂缝扩展分析 被引量:4

Analysis of dynamic crack propagation for Brazilian disk based on extended finite element method
摘要 应用ABAQUS扩展有限元方法模拟了冲击荷载下含预设裂纹混凝土巴西圆盘的裂纹扩展、贯通情况,分析了其应力场分布规律和不同网格算法对裂纹扩展路径的影响。算例表明:含有初始切槽的巴西圆盘Ⅰ型裂纹从裂尖最先起裂沿着直径方向扩展,网格算法对扩展路径几乎没有影响,离散性较小;ABAQUS平台的XFEM能够正确捕捉裂纹开裂的位置以及扩展的路径,具有广阔的工程应用前景。 The present crack propagation and penetrating of Brazilian disk are studied under the shock load using extended finite element method based on ABAQUS. The distribution regularity of stress field and the influence of different grid algorithm on the path of crack propagation in the disk are analyzed. Nmnerical examples show that the mode I crack of Brazilian disk wish initial grooving initiate first from the crack tip and extend along the diameter direction. The grid algorithm has little impact on extension path,which has smaller discreteness. XFEM based on ABAQUS is able to correctly capture the location of the crack initiation and propagation path, which has a broad prospect of engineering application.
出处 《四川建筑科学研究》 2014年第2期47-49,54,共4页 Sichuan Building Science
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2010B04014)
关键词 扩展有限元 冲击荷载 巴西圆盘 动态裂纹 扩展路径 extended finite element method impact load Brazilian disk dynamic crack propagation path
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