
美国高校教师工作量和业绩数据的分析与思考 被引量:2

The Analysis and Consideration on the Workload and Productivity Data of American University Teachers
摘要 文章依据美国NSOPF-93报告中工作量和研究业绩的调查统计数据,对美国全职教师的工作量和研究业绩进行了较为深入的分析与思考,对了解美国高校教师的平均工作精力投入、敬业精神和业绩水平具有重要的参考价值。同时,通过对工作量与研究业绩、业绩各要素之间数量关系的研究,得到了教学计划学时与教学准备、教学工作量与研究工作量、研究业绩(如学术论文)与教学计划学时之间的关系,对均衡教学与科研的关系具有参考性,对推进教师业绩的定量评价具有重要意义。 According to the statistical data of workload and research productivity in American NSOPF - 93 report, the paper makes deeply analysis and consideration on the workload and research productivity of A- merican full -time teachers. These are very valuable to obtain the average work time, professional dedication and productivity level of American university teachers. At the same time, through researching on the quantita- tive relations of workload and research productivity, productivity factors, we can obtain the relations between teaching hours and teaching preparation, teaching workload and research workload, research productivity { such as academic papers ) and teaching hours. These are of important significance to balance teaching and re- search and improve the quantitative evaluation of teacher productivity.
出处 《高等理科教育》 2014年第3期59-63,74,共6页 Higher Education of Sciences
关键词 工作量 教师业绩 评价关系 workload teacher productivity eyaluation relation
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