
有机与常规水稻生产中土壤养分平衡比较 被引量:4

Comparison Between Organic and Conventional Rice Productions in Soil Nutrient Balance
摘要 以江西省万载县水稻生产作为研究对象,在对有机农户和常规农户的农业生产状况进行问卷调查的基础上,针对不同操作模式下的土壤培肥措施和水稻-土壤系统养分投入、产出及其平衡状况进行分析和比较。结果表明,采用施用有机肥和绿肥种植这2种方式进行土壤培肥的有机农户比例极显著高于常规农户(P<0.01),有机农户采用间套作和秸秆还田的比例也显著高于常规农户(P<0.05)。在养分管理方面,有机和常规水稻生产的氮素平衡均处于盈余状况,分别盈余57.8和36.3 kg·hm-2,盈余率分别为21.7%和7.6%;有机和常规水稻的磷素平衡亦处于盈余状态,分别盈余35.4和64.7 kg·hm-2,盈余率分别为147.5%和217.9%,远高于允许平衡盈亏率。相比常规农户,更多的有机农户会采取生态农业措施进行土壤培肥,但其氮素和磷素盈余率也较高,同样存在一定环境风险。 Rice production in Wanzai County of Jiangxi Province was selected as a case for study. Questionnaires were issued to and collected from organic and conventional farmers on agricultural production for comparison and analysis of soil building methods and nutrient input, output and balance of the rice-soil system relative to farming mode. Results show that the proportion of organic farmers who build their soils by applying organic manure and growing green manure crops is significantly higher (P〈0.01) than that of the conventional farmers, and the proportion of organic farmers who adopt interplanting and straw incorporation are is also significantly higher (P〈0.05)than that of the conventional farmers.In terms of nutrient management, both organic and conventional rice production systems had nitrogen surplus, which reached 57.8 kg/hm2 and 36.3kg·hm2 , respectively, or 21.7% and 7.6%, respectively, in surplus rate. The two also had phosphorus surplus, too, which reached 35.4 kg·hm2 and 64.7 kg·hm2, respectively, or 147.5% and 217.9%, respectively, in surplus rate, much higher than the permissible surplus and deficit rates in P budgeting. Compared to conventional farmers, organic farmers are ready to build up their soil by adopting ecological farming practices, but which may alsowould lead to higher N and P surpluses, thus posing certain environmental risk .
出处 《生态与农村环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期341-345,共5页 Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment
基金 中丹国际合作项目 北京市生态重点学科资助项目(XK10019440)
关键词 有机农业 常规农业 水稻生产 培肥措施 养分平衡 organic agriculture conventional agriculture rice production soil building method nutrient balance
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