
人力资本、收入差距与农民工自我雇佣行为 被引量:21

Human Capital,Earnings Differential and Peasant Worker's Self-employment
摘要 本文采用CHIP2007全国外来务工人员调查数据,研究农民工的自我雇佣行为决策及自我雇佣收入的影响因素,重点关注自我雇佣收入与工资获得者收入的差距对农民工自我雇佣行为决策的影响。研究发现人力资本、家庭结构和人口特征都影响农民工的就业选择和收入水平。从事自我雇佣者的收入要高于工资获得者,但从事自我雇佣的人力资本回报率要低于工资获得者。自我雇佣与工资获得者的预测收入差距对农民工的自我雇佣行为决策有重要影响,二者收入差距的对数形式每提高1个单位,农民工的自我雇佣概率提高87个百分点,表明在工资部门中受到的歧视将使农民工被迫选择自我雇佣就业形式。 Based on urban immigrants data of CHIP 2007,this paper explores the influence factors on the peasant workers' self-employment decision and income,especially investigating the influence of predicted earnings differential between self-employment and wage-employment on self-employment propensities among peasant workers. We find that the human capitals,family-related characteristics and demographic characteristics influence the employment selection and income. The self-employment's hour income is higher than that of the wage-employment,while the return of human capital is higher for wageemployment. It is found that the difference between a peasant worker's predicted earnings in self- and wage-employment has a strong influence on a peasant worker's self-employment decision. One-unit increase in the log differential between self-employment and wage-employment earnings increase the selfemployment rate among peasant workers by about 87 percentage points,suggesting that discriminatory wages in the wage-employment sector may push immigrants towards self-employment.
作者 黄志岭
出处 《农业经济问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期39-45,111,共7页 Issues in Agricultural Economy
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金重大招标课题(编号:11&ZD013) 国家哲学社会科学基金重点招标课题(编号:10AZD003) 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:71173186) 浙江省高校人文社科重点研究基地(应用经济学) 浙江财经大学公共管理一级学科的资助
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