
过表达Notchl基因对前列腺癌细胞增殖和周期的影响 被引量:10

Effect of Notchl gene overexpression on proliferation and cell cycle of human prostate cancer cell line PC-3
摘要 目的观察Notehl基因对前列腺癌细胞增殖和周期的影响。方法在前列腺癌细胞PC-3中转染Notchl—ORF质粒,采用实时定量聚合酶链反应(Real-timePCR)和Westernblot检测Notchl和细胞核增殖抗原(Ki-67)的表达。以四唑氮化合物(MTS)试剂(每孔20μl)加入细胞,检测490nm处吸光度(A)值评价细胞增殖能力。以碘化丙锭反应液1ml染色细胞,流式细胞仪检测细胞周期的变化。结果实验组Notchl基因表达水平为43.740±6.438,明显高于阴性对照组(3.574±0.368)和空白对照组(3.306±0.278);同时实验组Ki-67的表达减低,实验组为0.576±0.063,阴性对照组为1.012±0.01,空白对照组为1.000±0.007(P〈0.01)。MTS实验中实验组细胞在24、48、72h的4值均低于两对照组细胞(P〈0.01)。实验组G0/G1期比例为(64.013±1.952)%,明显高于阴性对照组的(48.917±2.771)%和空白对照组的(51.317±1.907)%,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论前列腺癌细胞中Notchl的表达可以促使细胞发生G0/G1期阻滞,抑制细胞增殖能力,这种抑制作用可能是通过Notchl负性调节Ki-67的表达实现的。 Objective To study the effect of Notchl gene overexpression on proliferation and cell cycle of human prostate cancer cell line PC-3. Methods Notchl-ORF plasmid and its blank vector were transfected into PC-3 cells respectively. The expression of Notehl or Ki-67 was detected by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (Real-time PCR) and Western blotting. The cell proliferation and cell cycle were analyzed by 3-(4,5-Dimethyhhiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium (MTS) assay (20 μl/well) and flow cytometry respectively. Results Compared to negative control (3. 574 ± 0. 368 ) and untransfected group ( 3. 306 ± 0. 278), Notehl expression in NotcH-ORF group ( 43. 740 ± 6. 438 ) was significantly increased ( P 〈 0. 01 ). Meanwhile, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (Ki-67) level was decreased: 0. 576 ±0. 063, 1. 012 ±0. 011, and 1. 000 ±0. 007 in Notehl-ORF group, negative control group and untransfected group, respectively (P 〈0. 01 ). MTS assay revealed that the absorbance value in Notchl-ORF group was significantly reduced at 24, 48 and 72 h (P 〈0. 01 ). Flow cytometry analysis showed that the proportion of cells in G0/G1 phase in Notchl-ORF group was (64. 013 ± 1. 952) %, significantly higher than in negative control group [ (48. 917 ± 2. 771 ) % ] and blank control group [(51.317±1.907)%] (P〈0.01). Conclusion Overexpression of Notchl gene in PC-3 cells promoted arrest of G0/G1 phase and suppressed cell proliferation probably by down-regulating Ki-67.
出处 《中华实验外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1235-1237,共3页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(81100561、30972982)
关键词 前列腺癌 NOTCH1基因 增殖 细胞周期 Prostate cancer Notchl gene Proliferation Cell cycle
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