
我国医药冷链体系的现状及其发展建议 被引量:15

Status Quo and Development Proposal of Pharmaceutical Cold Chain System in China
摘要 目的:为我国医药冷链体系的发展与规范提供参考。方法:通过文献研究,对我国医药冷链体系发展现状及存在的问题进行分析。结果:我国冷藏药品城市市场需求大,农村市场前景广阔;政府与媒体已开始关注医药冷链体系的发展。但冷链体系发展过程中仍存在诸如"药品冷冻过度"和"中药冷链"问题不受重视、"药品冷链末端配送"让人担忧、第三方医药物流不被信任、硬件设施与冷链管理理念落后、相关人员素质不高等问题。结论:建议引导各方关注"药品冷冻过度"和"中药冷链"等问题,成立统一配送中心,改善道路交通,不断完善医药冷链末端配送体系;通过完备相关法律政策,加大对于第三方医药物流的扶持;通过自筹资金、引进国外先进管理理念促进冷链体系发展;从企业和政府两个方面共同加强人员的专业培训等。 OBJECTIVE: To provide reference for the pharmaceutical cold chain development in China. METHODS: Through the literature research, the situation and problems of the development of pharmaceutical cold chain system in China had been analyzed. RESULTS: There was huge demand for refrigerated drugs in urban market and it had broad market prospect in the rural. The government and the media began to focus on the development of pharmaceutical cold chain. But there were still some problems existed in cold chain system, such as the ignorance of the "frozen problem" and "cold chain of traditional Chinese medicine"; the "cold chain terminal distribution" caused concern and the third-party medical logistics were not been trusted; the hardware facilities and idea of cold chain management still lagged behind; the relevant personnel were not professional. CONCLUSIONS: It is suggested to guide the parties to pay more attention to the "frozen problem" and "cold chain of traditional Chinese medicine", set up unified distribution center, improve the road traffic and improve continuously cold chain terminal distribution system; related legal policies should be improved, and more support should be given for the third-party medical logistics; the development of cold chain system should be promoted by self-raising funds and introducing should strengthen the professional personnel training jointly. foreign advanced management concept; enterprise and government
出处 《中国药房》 CAS CSCD 2014年第25期2308-2311,共4页 China Pharmacy
关键词 医药冷链 现状 发展建议 Pharmaceutical cold chain Status quo Development proposal
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