
意外创伤者临床心理干预的研究现状及启示 被引量:10

Research status quo and enlightenment of clinical psychological intervention for accidental injured patients
摘要 介绍了国外意外创伤等伤病人群创伤后成长的临床干预研究现状及国内相关研究进展。提出应加强心理干预,挖掘意外创伤者的成长潜能;研制评价工具,科学评价干预效果;寻找伤者创伤后成长的可预测变量,制定积极导向的心理干预方案的研究思考。 It introduced the research status quo of clinical intervention for posttraumatic growth of the accident trauma injured patients in abroad and the relative research progress in China.It put forward that psychological intervention should be strengthened,and the growth potential of the accidental trauma patients should be excavated.Evaluation tools should be developed.The intervention effect should be evaluated scientifically and to look for predictable variables of posttraumatic growth in injured trauma patients and develop research on positive-oriented psychological intervention program.
出处 《护理研究(上旬版)》 2014年第4期1160-1163,共4页 Chinese Nursing Researsh
基金 国家自然基金面上项目 编号:71371180 南京军区科研基金面上项目 编号:12MA044
关键词 意外创伤 创伤后成长 心理干预 accidental trauma posttraumatic growth psychological intervention
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