超媒体是一种表示和管理多媒体信息的强有力的技术 近些年来 ,随着计算机软硬件技术的发展 ,超媒体技术的应用变得空前活跃 文中主要从编著方法、超媒体组织模型、系统控制结构和并发控制几个方面介绍了近期开发的超媒体协同编著系统CHES ,提出了一种以层次导航图为主线的混合编著方法 ,在此基础上实现了一种分散式的多Agent控制结构 。
Hypermedia is a powerful technique of representing and managing multimedia information. With the development of computer hardware techniques, hypermedia technique is becoming more active recently.Our newly developed hypermedia collaborative author system—CHES is introduced by means of a description of the authoring method, the hypermedia structure model, the system control structure and the concurrency control. And a hybrid authoring approach based on the hierarchy navigating graph is put forward. On this basis, a disperse multi agent control structure is implemented, which makes CHES more flexible and more efficient.
Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology(Natural Science)