制动器是影响车辆行驶安全、可靠、舒适的关键部件。模拟实际刹车工况 ,利用有限元分析方法 ,对影响摩擦片制动性能的关键因素 -摩擦温度场进行研究 ,并结合摩擦片热影响层的差热 -失重 (TGA- DTA)分析 ,探讨了摩擦温度分布对摩擦片材料性能的影响。这为制动器的摩擦性能控制及机理研究提供了理论依据。
Brake is a key part of an automobiles which influences the safety, reliability and comfort. In this paper, the actual work conditions are simulated and the temperature field of the friction, the critical influencing factor to the brake performance, is studied by the finite element method. Through the analyses of the TGA-DTA on the heat influenced layer of the friction flake, the effect of the temperature distribution of the friction surface is discussed. These will provide theoretical basis for the performance control of brakes and the study of mechanism of friction and wear.