鲐鱼Scomber japonicus资源丰富,在我国近海渔业中占有重要地位。其渔场的形成受海洋环境的制约,本文确定鲐鱼运动和物理环境之间的响应关系,建立起了基于个体的东海鲐鱼生长洄游模型。结果显示,鲐鱼集群分布与捕捞生产渔场基本吻合,鲐鱼聚集主要受台湾暖流、大陆沿岸水、黑潮影响,往往集群在一定温度范围内并在冷暖交汇区温盐梯度大偏暖水一侧。在台湾暖流和沿岸水交汇的锋面附近、台湾暖流暖水舌前端、黑潮与中国大陆沿岸水形成的潮境区域均有大量的鲐鱼聚集,并形成渔场。产卵位置的变动使偏西产卵位置的鲐鱼由于受台湾暖流影响较大,鲐鱼会呈长带状大量聚集在台湾暖流和沿岸水的锋面附近,并使在台湾暖流暖水舌前端的聚集数量增多,而偏东的产卵的鲐鱼受黑潮影响较大,聚集分布范围较大,会使黑潮形成的锋面附近聚集数量增多,而使台湾暖水舌的前端的聚集量减少。正常产卵位置在生存率方面是最佳产卵位置。研究表明鲐鱼所处空间位置不同,会影响其集群的位置,用数值模型验证了物理环境会对鲐鱼的洄游和渔场的形成产生影响。
Chub mackerel (Scomberjaponicus) is abundant resource in the coastal waters and occupies an important status in marine fisheries of China. The formation of the fishing ground was restricted marine environment. In this paper,according to the fitness theory, the response relationship between chub mackerel and physical environment was determined by using of physical environmental factor of temperature, salinity, temperature gradient, salinity gradient, distance, density of fish, up-welling. An individual-based growth and migration model of chub mackerel in East China Sea was developed. The result showed distribution patterns of mackerel agree well with fishing ground of purse seine fishery in East China Sea in 1998-2006. School of mackerel was mainly influenced by Taiwan Warm Current (TWC), Mainland Coast Water (MCW) and Kuroshio. Chub mackerel often schools in certain temperature and salinity range and near warm water of intersection of cold water and warm water, frontal gradient oftemperature and salinity had close relations with mackerel distribution. In April, mackerel began to leave spawning ground. A little Section A of chub mackerel in spawning ground began to migrate in warm water of intersection of TWC and Zhejiang and Fujian coastal water. Most Section A and Section B of mackerel fed in spawning ground. There was high yield of fishing in spawning ground. In May,Section A of spawning ground in chub mackerel was mainly influenced by TWC. Mackerel began to a long stripped school and retention near the front of TWC. A large number of mackerel already had migrated to at the front of warm water tongue in TWC, and formed the fishing grounds. Fishing statistics showed that there was high yidd of fishing. Section B was mainly influenced by Kuro- shio. Mackerel began to school near warm water in intersection of TWC and the surface water of Kuroshio, and also formed fishing grounds, fishing data showed there was a certain fishing production. In Jun, mackerel continued to school near the higher salinity in intersection of water tongue in TWC and Yangtze River water dilute. The simulation results showed there was high school distribution in front of TWC frontal, but no fishing production of purse seine fishery in fishing ground. Mackerel also schooled in tide area of MCW and Kuroshio. Fishing data also showed that there was fishing production. In July the migratory and school were more evident. Mackerel basic schools in three long stripped of TWC frontal, path of larval transport and Kuroshio frontal. Because of biological choice,and finally in the space appears no mackerel distribution and high density patches. This is search results of school and retention in favorable regional in the process of mackerel migratory, through the swimming behavior choice favorable environment, avoid not suitable for regional, eventually form the fishing grounds. The variability in spawning ground made the western spawning area was influenced by TWC. Mackerel mainly school in front of TWC and MCW. Mackerel migrated to front of warm water tongue in TWC was increased. Eastern spawning area was influenced by Kuroshio. Mackerel mainly school in the eastern parts in front of the Kuroshio. Mackerel migrated to front of warm water tongue in TWC was decreased. Survival of western and eastern spawning area respectively was 1. 526 1 × 10^7 and 1. 526 6 × 10^7 , Survival of western spawning area was less than eastern spawning area. But survival of normal spawning area of 1. 528 3× 10^7 was lest in three spawning areas. Survival of normal spawning area was the best in three spawning areas. Different locations of mackerel will affect the position of school, it that explains the physical environment can influence on the migration and school of mackerel.
Individual-Based Model
fishing ground
Taiwan Warm Current and Kuroshio
re cruitment